Fire Priests

A long time ago there were magical Fire Priests who lived on top of a very large hill, and everyone depended on their magic to survive. So every day the Treecutters would cut down a tree. Then the Logcutters would cut it into logs, and the Haulers would haul it all up the hill. At the top of the hill, the Fire Priests would say, "Good job," and tell them to come back at sundown.

At the same time, the Hunters would go looking for food. The Dismantlers would dismantle the food and prepare it for use. Then the Haulers would haul it all up the hill. At the top of the hill, the Fire Priests would say, "Good job," and tell them to come back at sundown.

While that was happening, the Gatherers would go looking for spices. The Pulverizers would turn the spices into powder and prepare it for use. Then the Haulers would haul it all up the hill. At the top of the hill, the Fire Priests would say, "Good job," and tell them to come back at sundown.

A little before sundown, the Pilers would climb up the hill and put all of the logs into a pile. The Fire Priests would say, "Good job," and tell them to come back at sundown.

At sundown there would be a Fire, and the Cooks, who had been sleeping all day, would spend the whole night cooking. The Servers would serve it to everyone, and the Cleaners would clean everything up.

The Fire Priests got the best food out of everyone, because everyone knew that the Fire would not be possible without the magic of the Priests. The Fire was their reward from the Priests for doing their jobs. Why the Fire Priests needed them to do their jobs, they did not know, but they were very happy for the Fire they received in return. They loved the Fire Priests, and hoped that one day, they could become one of them.